Monday, April 1, 2019

Costuming: The "Golden Girl" Receiver

I created a production schedule and costume chart ahead of production week next week! I am going to send it out to my potential actors soon. Filming is primarily only 2-3 hours every day, for 3 days. Promotional pictures are going to be taken simultaneously while filming is occurring. I plan on taking an abundance of photos for the website, as I know audiences like a lot of visual information before seeing a film or movie!

For the costumes, I really delved into color psychology pertaining to the characters of Hader and Sephone. Hader is going to be dressed in darker colors, which I feel like is self-explanatory in understanding his darker characteristics and mindset. Beyond color psychology, I took a closer look at the script and remembered a line where Hader mentions, "I'm just your typical guy." Rather than try to make his clothing reflect his abnormal personality and beliefs, I think it is more important that his appearance reflects his statement of being typical. This would mean that he is able to manipulate and deceive the people around him by disguising himself as a normal person- making it easier to facilitate his darkness in plain site.
Why would Sephone be scared or frightful of a typical man?

Sephone is called "the golden girl" repeatedly by Hader, and it is because she is the tool he uses to facilitate darkness within the community. Because she is missing, her family and friends are terrified and grieving, police are tearing up the area looking for her, and she still cannot be found. No one knows if she's alive or dead. I decided her costumes should symbolize what Hader thinks of her- as the "golden" girl. She will be dressed in yellows and yellow-toned clothing, possibly golden jewlery.

I'm hoping that these choices challenge the audience to think more about the film and what it means. I think that the colors will shock and stun people and draw their attention to different aspects of the scene.

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This is it! It's been a great journey. FILM