Saturday, March 2, 2019

Look Who's Composing Too (?)

I want to preface this post with some context:
This week, I have had tech week for my school show, "Mamma Mia", and I am completely drained and exhausted from it. I came home on Friday, and thought about how I wanted to relax and let-go. I decided I wanted to sit down at the piano and just start messing around, playing songs I knew and fiddling around with little melodies. When I get stressed, I like to blast music in my car and scream along with it, or  Singing releases endorphins, and endorphins make you happy ("...and happy people don't just kill their husbands!").

While I was messing around, I stumbled over a melody I really liked, and thought was eerie. I thought about it, revised it, sat at the piano for nearly an hour just finalizing this thirty second melody, recording it and laying some background behind it, when I realized that I might want to use it for my short film. I'm still working on it, it isn't perfect, and it is just an idea. But, I figured I would just give it a shot and see if it works. I don't think that the tone of the piece completely matches the tone of the film, but I can keep editing and revising it until they match. I'll attach the tiny piece I have so far to the blog post.

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Last post ;(

This is it! It's been a great journey. FILM